
Stop Motion Thanksgiving Turkey Using Bluelounge Products

Stop Motion Video For Social Media: Bluelounge

What is Stop Motion? Stop Motion started as a film technique. Individual pictures would be pieced together at high speed creating an animation video. (did anyone else grow up watching the claymation film Wallace and Gromit? Maybe I’m dating myself…) This technique is still used today in films. With video being such a crucial part…
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July 27, 2022 0
Hello Fresh Siracha Pork Dinner

Siracha Pork Chop for Dinner, Bánh Mì Sandwiches for Lunch

10/10 would recommend!! I have to say the HelloFresh Siracha Pork Chop for Dinner, Bánh Mì Sandwiches for Lunch recipe is one of the best flips of changing from dinner to lunch that I have ever tried. I live alone and HATE leftovers so I am always looking for ways to make batch food but…
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August 9, 2021 0
Abigail Curran Modeling banana Leaf Dress with Pockets from Amazon

Best Inexpensive Summer Dress… With POCKETS!!

I think I have just found the best inexpensive summer dress with pockets! I heard on TikTok that the only thing that a woman wants that starts with a P and ends with an S is…POCKETS! And it is so true! If pockets are high on your priority list, while looking cute, and not sweating…
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July 17, 2021 0

Dog Mom Essentials For The Ulti-Mutt Dog Lover

Having a dog is the BEST! I got Tonks when she was a puppy and trained her. She is the best dog and brings so much joy and fulfillment into my life. But there can be some challenges. Here are some things that I SWEAR by for my whack-a-doodle. 1) EcoKind Pet Treats Gold Yak…
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July 16, 2021 0
View of Whiteface Mountain from Henry's Woods in Lake Placid, NY


And My Journey Toward Mental Health and Happiness There’s nothing more beautiful than an Adirondack Summer. I grew up in the Adirondacks. I was born at the hospital in Saranac Lake during Winter Carnival. My parents took me home to their house in Wilmington. I grew up and went to Lake Placid High school. I’m…
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August 18, 2020 0
JAMS student plays guitar in Jacksonville, FL

Moo-ve It 5K to benefit Jacksonville Arts & Music School

Author: Abigail Curran (First Coast News) Interview shot by: Abigail Curran Editor: Abigail Curran File Video Provided by: Cowford Chophouse, JAMS Published: 3:44 PM EST February 19, 2020 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — This weekend you can burn off the donuts you snuck at work while supporting a good cause. The Moo-ve It 5K 2020 sponsored by…
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February 25, 2020 0

Wounded Warrior Project holds job bootcamp for wounded veterans

Author: Abigail Curran Published: 11:23 AM EDT September 25, 2019 Updated: 5:35 PM EDT September 25, 2019 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Wounded Warrior Project is helping veterans transition into civilian life. Part of that is finding a job.  On Wednesday, 22 wounded veterans worked to develop their career skills at an employment boot camp. The program is only about…
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February 25, 2020 0

Murray Hill mural featuring actor going up amid controversy

Author: Abigail Curran (First Coast News) Published: 2:22 PM EST February 14, 2020 Updated: 6:14 PM EST February 24, 2020 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Murray Hill has been an up and coming area for a while now. They have had about a dozen murals go up in the last couple of years. Some of those murals were even vandalized…
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February 25, 2020 0

Veteran speaks out about getting help for PTSD

Author: Abigail Curran Published: 6:13 PM EDT June 27, 2019 Updated: 6:31 PM EDT June 27, 2019 JACKSONVILLE, Fla — Imagine being afraid to fall asleep. Nights filled with terror, waking up in a sweat. Imagine your days tormented by flashbacks. These are some of the symptoms of PTSD.  Today is National PTSD Awareness Day. According to a…
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February 25, 2020 0
Abigail Curran pets tiger at Catty Shack Ranch

ROAR!! The day I got to pet a tiger.

July 30, 2019 Are you ready to meet some tigers? There are plenty of opportunities at Catty Shack Ranch. The Ninth Annual International Tiger Day was on July 29. It’s a reminder that these beautiful and majestic beasts are on the verge of extinction.  TIGER FACTS: Tigers currently top endangered species list During the 20th century,…
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January 30, 2020 0